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  • pushygirlpaintings

Caffeinated Chaos


I hope you've had you coffee today as you will see a shit ton of my work on here!

This is the first time I have put HUNDREDS of my pieces up for easy viewing!

Most of what you'll see here are commissioned art pieces, ordered by AMAZING customers and friends that I have made along this journey.

You'll see cute and fun little illustrations, canvas paintings I did years ago, based on books by fellow indie author books and so so much more!

I am going to try and keep things up to date on here as mush as I can, but if you really want to keep up with whats going on follow me on facebook or instagram! Those are also great places to get in touch with me if you'd like to order your very own custom art piece (And I will see it there fast!)


Thank you so much for check this all out and I hope you check back again!

Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see me draw, paint, craft...anything! (OH! with that I also do other things also, besides paintings! keep your eyes peeled!)



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